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Office supplies you didn’t know you needed

Office supplies you didn’t know you needed

13 March 2023

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When you think about office supplies, probably stationary comes to mind first. Have you ever considered what other useful office supplies you might require to have a better functioning workplace?


1. Floor mats

Floor mats should be an essential item on every workplace supplies list. Not only will it stop people from wiping their feet on your office floor, but they are also proven to help reduce workplace injuries including slips. Additionally, having floor mats in high-traffic areas could mean more exposure for your branding. WS can work with you to create custom floor mats by adding your logo.


2. Tape measure

Do you find yourself stepping out space to determine if your new desk will fit or grabbing a ruler and laying it end to end to measure out a length on your wall? If so, then you definitely need a tape measure! A tape measure is a great way to ensure that all the pieces fit together, creating a streamline workspace in your office. According to the Building Code of Australia, to achieve “the optimal level of office density”, it is suggested that each worker should be allotted space of 10m². How does your office measure up?

walking Tape Measure


3. Hand Soap

Whether it is for the kitchen or bathrooms, soap is a necessity.

If your work space predominantly uses soap dispenser cartridges, always make sure you have spares on hand. As extra back up, we recommend keeping some hand soap pump bottles to tie you over!

Looking for a greener option? Our priority is to always provide green alternatives where possible and we offer eco-friendly soaps from RapidClean. You can find our full range of green products here.


4. First aid kit

When was the last time you checked your first aid kit? Is everything within its expiry date? You may think that most items in first aid kits won’t go out of date, but they do. Bandages for example can last for years, but overtime, the flue in the bandages can become ineffective, and their sterility can be compromised. Make sure you’re keeping your employees safe and update your first aid kit today.

Washing Hands First Aid Kit


5. Dustpan & brush

Brushes and brooms are often used in the first instance to sweep and remove dirt or dry spills before cleaning the surface. If you have an in house coffee machine, a dustpan and brush is an ideal tool to have close by to clean any coffee grounds spilled whilst making your first coffee of the morning (it’s ok, we won’t judge, you haven’t had your coffee yet!). A dustpan and brush can also be useful for quick jobs, like a last-minute tidy up of the office before client visits!


6. Mop & bucket

Like the dustpan and brush, all workplaces should have a mop and bucket. Mops are ideal for soaking up unexpected spills like coffee (again, we won’t judge…), tea, and water. Be sure to use a wet floor sign, not to draw attention to your spill… but to ensure no one slips!

Sweeping Bucket


WS Whereabout Supply are always looking for new products to help meet your workplace needs, so let us know if there is something we should be stocking by giving us a call on 07 3902 0900.